Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Here are our "TOP 5" lists for everything Costa Rican

Most Common Phrases:
1. Pura Vida (Pure Life)
2. ¡Que Rico! (Technically, How Rich. But they use it for EVERYTHING)
3. ....este..... (filler word)
4. ....bueno.... (OK/filler word)
5. ¡Tranquilo! (Relax)

Most Common Smells:
1. Pot/Weed/Marijuana/TheGanja 
2. Tico boy cologne 
3. Dog Poop (Manda doesn't agree with this one)
4. Roasting Coffee (I don't agree with this one)
5. Cilantro 

Top Ticoisms:
1. Add "-ita" to names to make things little (ie. Amandita)
2. Add "-isimo" to words to emphasize how awesome they are (ie. Ricisimo)
3. Ridiculously roll "R's"
4. Add a weird "rrjsh" noise to words that end in R
5. Add "-ota" to names to make things big (ie. Amandota)

Phrases spanish speakers say to hit on Gringas:
1. Nice body, nice baby!
2. ¡Sexo! (Translation: ¡Sex! ........I don't know either)
3. ¡Macha! (Translation: ?)
4. "Sschhs"- just an annoying noise (the Tico equivalent of whistling at girls)
5. "I loou you!"
6. I just got a phone call tonight with a stranger telling me "F*** you" over and over, then ended with "I want to make love with you." I said "No thanks" and hung up. Really... What was he expecting. I have never heard of someone making a prank call like that and the girl saying "OK."


Heather said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this! It made me smile a lot :)

Manuel Rocha said...

Macha means something like blonde (girl) and if add 'ita' it means something like 'blondie' or 'little blonde girl'. The same for 'macho' it's used mostly to refer a male but sometimes is like a buddy. The same happens by adding 'ito' - machito! hahaha!